Dr.A.Nagarajan MS,FAIS
Our Chairman has been elected unanimously by the Board of Directors , installed ‘and sat him on the chair by our Immediate Past Chairman Er P Arumugam Pillai in a ‘colourful function held on 24 June 2020
A doyen among doctors of Tamil Nadu , our Chairman is a living legend, whose personal and professional careers have been a veritable saga of spectacular achievements ‘Hailing from an ilustrious agricultural family at Kulasearan Puthoor, a village near the Nagercoil city on 25 March 1945, he chose Medical profession to become a surgeon a= 8 “Peal inside the Shell”. He had hie medical under graduation (MB.ES) from the prestigious Madurai Medical College Madurai in the year 1968 and joined as Assistant ‘Surgeon in Govt Head quarters Hospital Nagercoil. He got his MS in Madurai Medical College in the year 1975 and joined with his wife at Latha Nursing Home at Kottar in 41978 after completing three years of service as Chief Surgeon in Govt Head Quarters Hospital Nagercoil
Awards and achievements
- His yeomen service to the doctor's community by founding the Nagercoil Branch of Indian Medical Association with so much of hurdles, by constructing « beautiful Duilding for it at Asramam will speak volumes and volumes of his contribution to the Doctors Association.
- His contribution to the Surgical Fraternity as the Chairman of the Association of ‘Surgeons of India for both Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Chapter made to hold its fag lofty enough to fly sky high
- His Public service as the Chairman of the District Club Nagercoil for one year , a5, the President of the Kanyalrumari District Badminton Association for 10 years continuously and as the chairman of the Doctors Club Nagercoil will speak a lot ‘bout the versatile personality of our venerable Chairman.
- Indian Medical Association , Tamil Nadu Medical Council and the Government of ‘TamilNadu Nadu acknowledged hie service by honoring him with the prestigions “Best Doctor Award” on three varios Doctore Day celebrations
Family History
- Blessed with an understanding wife Dr Mrs Latha Nagarajan MD (0G) who by conducting more than fifty thousand labour cases during her fifty years of active professional service has all along been a source of inspiration for him.
- His three children, first daughter Dr Ananthi is a Gynecologist at Nagercoil, next son Dr Sudhan Nagarajan , is a consultant Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon, at USA and his third daughter Mrs Shameena is a MA literature graduate settled at ‘Chennai. All their spouses are specialists in different fields of Medicine - His first grand daughter ie a MD Pulmonologist practicing in Pune.
His remarkable skill, his steady devotion to duty , the go- gettingness he ‘maintains with all our staff and students , his acknowledged compassion for the poor and downtrodden, coupled with the bounteous grace of God have catapulted our institution ~ ‘the prestigious 5 T Hindu College into a glowing symbol of hope and trust . We hope the fentire campus of our college will echo the impact of our Chairman's wholesome influence, sincerity and experience.

Mr. K. Velayudhan pillai

Mr. M. D. Anantharaman

Mr. A. Narayanan Pillai

Mr. T. S. Ramasamy

Mr. C. Nellaiyandar Pillai

Mr. A. Boothalingam

Mr. K. M. Boothalingam Pillai

Mr. A. S. Dhanushkodiya Pillai

Mr. V. S. Krishna Pillai

Mr. P. Veerapathira Pillai

Dr. A. Balasuntharam Pillai

Mr. V. Thiraviyam