Department Of History
The department was started with B.A. degree course in History in 1972. The department was upgraded as a PG Department in 1981-82 and M.Phil course was introduced in the year 1991. The department was recognized as a research centre in 2011.

Dr.S.Bhagavathy Perumal
Associate Professor & Head

Dr.M.Shyla Kumari
Assoicate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr.B.Sheeba Kumari
Assistant Professor

Dr. B.Sureh Kannan
Assistant Professor

Dr. N. Subha Nanthini
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mrs. G. Selvi
Assistant Professor

Dr. S. Vithya
Assistant Professor

Thiru. K. Gurumoorthi
Assistant Professor
Courses Offered
UG Programme :
BA History
PG Programme :
MA History
Doctoral Programme :
Ph.D. in History